Conversations with a 4 year old: part 3

Me: Camden, it’s almost your Mom’s birthday and she will be an old lady. Camden: She’s not old, you’re old. Me: I know I’m old Camden: Well you’re not that old, you’re not squishy yet. Me: what? Camden: You know, when you get old you get all squishy and stuff. That kid says the funniest…

Gone Girl: what a great movie

Last night my wife and I saw Gone Girl and wow… All I can say is wow….don’t worry, no spoilers here but I will say a little about it. The movie is nearly 3 hours long but you will enjoy every moment. It was very well put together, the cast did an amazing job. Rosamund…

Conversations with a four year old part 2

Below is the conversation my wife had with our son. He is wise beyond his years. Camden: Mom who do you love more; Harper or me. My wife: I love you both the same. Camden: No, you have to pick one…..(a moment’s pause)…. and your answer should be Camden… Lol…that boy says that funniest things.…

Gratitude is the key to happiness

It is the end of another week and a chance to reflect on all of the great things that happened this week. I am learning that gratitude is one of the most powerful tools that we have in our arsenal. I recently read a book that gave a lot of ideas on how to use…

Fear and the Media

The fear mongering that the media places on us is beyond reproach. Understandably, we need to be vigilant as it pertains to our health but we don’t have to be oppressed by the constant threat of Illness. Keeping the greater population at bay by worrisome propagandizing of ever illness that may show some subtle nuance…

My children inspire greatness in me

I am lost to this emotion, hopelessly fallen. How could I be anything other? My heart is not my own but held in the tiniest of hands. I wonder if they know that I am so irreparably lost to them. I gladly give all of me to their happiness. I lay forth my life to…

Conversation with a 4 year old.

My four year old son: Dad, Halloween is only 3 days away Me: No son, Halloween is 16 days away Son: wait so it is like 3 days away, right. Me: No, it is 16 days away Son: Ohhhh, it is 6 days away Me: no, not 6 days but, ummmm…… 10 days plus 6…