Conversations with a 4 year old: part 3

Me: Camden, it’s almost your Mom’s birthday and she will be an old lady. Camden: She’s not old, you’re old. Me: I know I’m old Camden: Well you’re not that old, you’re not squishy yet. Me: what? Camden: You know, when you get old you get all squishy and stuff. That kid says the funniest…


Devotion: Love is boundless , even beyond timeout…… My son had to go to timeout for a moment and my daughter wanted to provide comfort.

Conversation with a 4 year old.

My four year old son: Dad, Halloween is only 3 days away Me: No son, Halloween is 16 days away Son: wait so it is like 3 days away, right. Me: No, it is 16 days away Son: Ohhhh, it is 6 days away Me: no, not 6 days but, ummmm…… 10 days plus 6…

The simple things are the best things

Watching a funny moving and laughing with complete abandonment, hugging your loved ones, enjoying a great meal. This is what life is all about. Listening to the birds sing or the wind blowing through the tree tops, feeling the sun on your face or the wind in your hair. This is the good stuff. We…

My List of What A Real Man Is

Our culture has many views of what a real man is..Well, here are mine………………. A real man paints his wife’s toes because she is too pregnant to do it herself. A real man cries in the sad part of the Disney movie “Up”. A real man’s workout consists of carrying in a sleeping child in one…

Giving is the key to life.

If you want abundance, give abundantly. If you want love, give love. If you want assurance, be assuring. What you give, you receive. To gain in life is to give in life and it that simple. There is a reason that so many faiths, teachers, scholars and enlightened people have this same principle of giving…